Monday, November 28, 2011

Justic for Captain Saurabh Kalia

Dear Friends,

On June 9, 1999, NK Kalia had received the body of his son – Captain Saurabh Kalia – mutilated and disfigured. His ear drums pierced with hot iron rods, eyeballs carved out with knives, genitals chopped off, every bone broken and splintered. It has been subjected to the most brutal of torture by the Pakistan Army violating the Geneva Convention.

Twelve years later, 62-year-old Kalia is still fighting for justice – he wants the act to be declared a war crime by the UN. But no action taken yet even after numerous letters to the our Central Government.

On enquiry we found that, it is our ministry of external affairs that did not follow up the case with the UN!!
In order to declare a war crime, the ministry of defense needs to write to the ministry of external affairs(This was done),

Ministry of external affairs then takes up the matter with the UN Human Rights Council(This is not done yet).

The council then refers the matter to the General Assembly, which can declare war crime. It then goes to the international court of justice.

India has become a country of spineless leaders..
Its shame that we belong to a country where justice is always delayed and finally denied!!

Please don't hesitate to share. Let every True Indian show our protest against this injustice by sharing it in our wall!!

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